Move Minds Global

Move Minds Global

The Success Gap and How It Affects Our Culture

September 23, 2014
The Success Gap and How It Affects Our Culture| Episode 014


Learn about the success gap and how it plays a big part in how we live of our lives. In this episode of the Move Minds Podcast we discuss what the success gap is and why it is so important.


You will also learn about:

Why the success gap so important in creating a social purpose culture.

Why we need to release expectations of what success looks like.

What to do while working each day to close the gap.

How to shorten the success gap with the right help.

The value of building success one step at a time.

What does spending time inside the gap teach us about ourselves?

  1. Building Character
  2. Gives us Confidence
  3. Provides us with better self ­esteem
  4. Provides us with more self­-worth
  5. Why jumping the gap is not a good idea

What do you think about that time between an idea and the success you hope to achieve?


Related articles:

Why Redefining Success is Critical For Each One of Us

How I Began to Redefine Success

Related podcasts:

Redefining Success in a Social Purpose Culture


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