Move Minds Global

Move Minds Global

What is the Influence of Pop Culture on Our Society?

July 29, 2014
What is the Influence of Pop Culture on Our Society? | Episode 008

How does pop culture influence our culture and is it all bad? Listen in as we talk about pop culture and how it affects us as a society and as individuals.

We answer:

  • What is pop culture?
  • What effects does pop culture have on society?
  • How does it affect us as individuals?

Quote mentioned in the podcast:

“As individuals, a genuine popular culture instills a sense of ownership and empowerment in our society because each of us knows that we contribute to that culture. We are more likely to act in our society’s best interests because we know that those best interests are also our own. An authentic popular culture also gives us a sense of shared identity, meaning, and purpose that transcends differences in geography, race, ethnicity religion, or politics. All of these then encourage us to lead a life in accordance with our culture’s values and norms because they are our own.†Jim Taylor, Ph.D

What can you do?

  • What can you do to help create a culture that reflects us as individuals?
  • Challenge yourself to find forms of entertainment you can  pursue that isn’t created by a major corporation.


Popular Culture: We Are What We Consume

Pop Culture: An Overview

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