Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church Sermons

Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church Sermons

Breaking the Mold

October 19, 2019

Conservative Christians seldom think of Jesus as a radical. But Matthew in his gospel describes Jesus the Messiah as dramatically changing our human understanding of who God is and what His kingdom is like. Jesus, in the sermon on the mount, assured the people of that time and ours that He had not come to do away with the Old Testament teachings (Mt 5:17-20), but instead to “fulfill” or “make full” who God is and what the kingdom of heaven is like. In doing so, He recast everything in the light of the kingdom of heaven governed by love and changed hearts rather than rules kept. John the Baptist announced that, “…the kingdom of heaven is near.” (Mt 3:2) A short time later Jesus echoed that call. (Mt 4:17).
God’s kingdom is where God dwells. Jesus’ mission was to, “…save His people from their sins.” (Mt 1:21) Are we willing to allow Jesus through His Spirit to invade our hearts or are our feet planted too deeply in the soil of this earth and our own good works? (Mt 6:24)

Scripture: Mt 9:16; Mt 1:21; Mt 1:23; Mt 3:2; Mt 4:17; Jer 31:33; Ez 36:26,27

“Breaking the Mold” preached by Steve Ebsen on October 19th 2019 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington