Podcast – Motorbike Mondays

Podcast – Motorbike Mondays

Episode 13: How Carburetors Work

March 01, 2014

Episode 13: How Carburetors Work

Yo! We’re back with Episode 13, all about how carburetors work.   This is part one of our series on carburetors. Once you know how they work, we can get into tuning them to get your bike running properly and at peak performance. Now, while we all understand the basics of carbs, we’re not carburetor scientists.  Hopefully listening to this podcast will bring you much closer to understanding them, or at least getting the courage up to take yours apart. After you can recognize each of the basic pieces on all carbs, you can take apart/clean and inspect pretty much any of them.  Let us know what you think, and if you have any questions!

Here is some of the material we used in the podcast, looking at these drawings might help you understand how these work:

Throttle Opening vs. Jets:

Carburetor Components: