

179: #179 | Last Orders - Créatúrs, Sliabhíns & Digressions

July 15, 2021

Well, it couldn't last forever; Motherfoclóir will be ending forever before this autumn. Before we go on our separate ways, we'd like to bring you some topics and guests that we always meant to, but put on the long finger because we wanted "do more prep" or "wait until X was available" or some other excuse. Anyway, there's no time to procrastinate anymore…

First up, our Gearóidín tells Darach all about her PhD thesis in advance of a viva. What's a viva? What's a thesis? We will explain. Gearóidín explains how certain concepts recur in how minority language users and people with disabilities interact with the legal system in general and policing in particular. 

Are there digressions? Yes, one or two. 


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