The Morning Cooldown Podcast

The Morning Cooldown Podcast

012 Raw & Unedited in San Diego

January 17, 2016

On a recent trip to San Diego, I experienced that morning "spark" after an exhilarating run. In this unscripted, off-the-cuff episode, I reflect on a variety of things from my love for cycling, morning routines, and producing spontaneous episodes on-the-go.

In the past few episodes, I've been talking about my desire to focus on getting back to my WHY in regards to this podcast and my reasons for starting it in the first place.

For those of you who have followed me since the early days when this podcast started, my mission was to use the early morning hours as a "conduit for creativity" to capture creative intentions during this sacred time each day. My mission is to get back to those kinds of episodes and to allow them to spontaneously emerge.