Three Key Life: More Than Money Podcast - Inspiration| Empowerment | Life

Three Key Life: More Than Money Podcast - Inspiration| Empowerment | Life

MTM007: Opening The Doors of Opportunity, Creating Space

February 25, 2014
Creating More Space

It is hard for us to add to our lives if we have no space to add too.

It’s just like a glass overflowing with water, it has no room for anything else but that water that’s overflowing.

Imagine if that overflowing glass of water was our emotions, our doubts, our fears, our worries, our struggles, our issues, how could we expect to add more light, life, positivity and abundance to it?


“Empty your cup so that you may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.”

- Bruce Lee

(Three Key Tweeter)

We must empty our cups to recognize the wholeness that we are.

By the end of this episode of the More Than Money Podcast you will be able to create more space in the following areas:

  • Create more space within yourself.

  • Create more space within your mind, consciousness and daily life.

  • Create more space in the environment you live.

You will also uncover simple things that you can begin doing today to open up the doors of opportunity within your own life.

We cannot expect new doors to open if we continue walking through the same hallways.

In addition

You will also discover in this episode:

  • How to spend a moment of each day uncovering your gifts

  • How to set your days up for success

  • The importance of having a clear vision

  • How to be the master of your time

  • How to release toxic thoughts

  • The importance of surrounding yourself with good people and good vibes

Also, you will hear an interesting story of I went from overflowing with busyness to creating more space to allow my passions to grow.

What About You?

Where could you use more space in your life?

Think about it.

What are a few things that can begin to do today to create more space within yourself for opportunities, passions, and your dreams to grow even more abundantly?

Leave your comments below, you never know who you’ll help grow.


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Thank you so very much.

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Thank you guys for taking a moment of your day. Your time and energy is appreciated.

Thank you for helping to make my experience on this abundant Earth so enjoyable.

May your day be filled with joy.

Continue to create space to allow your best self to blossom.




Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Photo Credit: The One and Only Jonny Murdock

The post MTM007: Opening The Doors of Opportunity, Creating Space appeared first on Three Key Life.
