Three Key Life: More Than Money Podcast - Inspiration| Empowerment | Life

Three Key Life: More Than Money Podcast - Inspiration| Empowerment | Life

MTM005: Releasing Problems, Unlocking Hope

February 18, 2014
Releasing Problems Brings Hope

There are innumerable stresses, frustrations, issues, struggles, hurdles, obstacles, and problems that we’ve all pushed through and resolved in our lives to become the person we are today.

There are also those things which have prevented us from living to our greatest potential, trapping some of us for years, sometimes our entire lives.

Some problems seem bigger than others, but each problem can provide us with an opportunity to discover more about ourselves, an opportunity to grow.

Goal of This Episode

It is my hope that by the end of this podcast you’ll be able to resolve, solve, and move through a problem that has been hindering you from being your best.

The Key which is given in this episode is the same process that I went through to create Three Key Life.

I knew that if I wasn’t willing to find the ability to transform the problem into a blessing, an opportunity for growth, I would have never launched this site.

However, as I embraced my ability to influence change in my own life I then found the confidence to authentically share my voice with you.

The search for this confidence sent me on a quest into the depths of myself.

What I unlocked was hope.
Quote’s for This Episode

“What’s the worlds greatest lie? It is this, that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate.” 

“People are capable at anytime in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” 

-Paulo Coelho-

 (Three Key Tweeter)

In Addition

In addition to learning the specific ways of releasing problems and unlocking hope, this episode also contains a few shout outs and thank you’s to some of the readers of Three Key Life.

  • Special thank you to Ramon Stephens for providing the beat that I use for the More Than Money Podcast. I greatly appreciate your willingness to share your gifts brother.

  • Special shout out to an old elementary friend of mine, Jonny Murdock, who I reconnected with after he stumbled across Three Key Life. I want to thank you Jonny for helping me edit all the posts on the blog and your patience with me for my numerous grammatical errors.

  • Special thank you to Big Slush and EnjoyTheSunshine4 for the 5 star rating on iTunes.

  • Big thank you to everyone who has reached out to me via email,  text, and face to face conversations telling me how much they appreciate Three Key Life.

Thank you for helping me become better.

I’d like to finish this post off with two questions.

My first question for you is this,

When was the last time that you spent a moment and reflected inwardly about your dreams, passions and goals?

If you haven’t done so in a while, now might be the right time to begin to explore those things which bring you to life.

My second question is,

What are the things that are preventing you from pursuing your dreams and living a beautiful life?

Leave your comments below.

I would almost guarantee that there is someone else who is either experiencing a similar problem as you, or have already solved a problem that you are facing.

Feel free to share your insights below, you never know who you’ll help grow

Final Thought

If you enjoy the More Than Money Podcast, I’d like to ask you to please go to iTunes and subscribe by clicking here.

Once subscribed, leave us a rating and review. It really helps us spread the message to the people who are waiting to hear it.

I’d like to thank you again for taking a moment out of your day and spending it here on Three Key Life.

I greatly appreciate you and wish you an incredible day.




Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



-there is no problem greater than the energy which awakes me-



 Photo Credit: – samstockton via –


The post MTM005: Releasing Problems, Unlocking Hope appeared first on Three Key Life.
