More Than Hearing

More Than Hearing

Year A, Lent 3, 2020 – Thirsty

March 11, 2020

Hey, everyone! Welcome to the show! We have found ourselves a little pressed for time – again – and have decided to record the show live this week. That does not mean that you are hearing us as we record; it means, we did not spend a lot of time preparing each passage prior to turning on the microphones. Instead, we looked them over a bit and then, trusting the movement of the Holy Spirit, came up with ideas off the top of our heads. So, the show is “live” in that we are recording without the safety net of our usual work. You may not be able to tell in the recording, but the worksheets will tell a different story!

Our episode three years ago was Drinks on the House. We took a close look at clean water initiatives in both the John and Exodus passages. In Exodus, we had an idea how to make a “water spouting rock” for your worship space. For Romans, we suggested building Paul’s rhetorical chain in verses 3 – 5 using emojis! And in John, we have some unlikely characters showing up in “enemy” territory claiming to be the Anointed One. We had a lot of material to work with, so combine it with today’s show and you have a smorgasbord to choose from! Bon appétit!

Exodus 17:1-7 – [01:58]

Exodus 17:1-7 – worksheetDownload

I often marvel at the task Moses was given. Not only did he have to risk returning to a land he had exited hastily and for his own safety, he confronted the most powerful man in the world with an audacious demand for freedom. Then, after overseeing some eye popping supernatural events, he led LOTS of people out into the wilderness where they almost immediately began grousing about his leadership. I think what I marvel about the most is that he didn’t just turn around and take them all right back to Egypt like they asked him to do. His question to God, “What shall I do with this people?” is one I’m certain most pastors have asked a time or two. God answers, “Give them something to drink. Here; I’ll show you how.”

* WORD –* America’s Second Great Awakening* The wilderness of Sin* Massah – from the root nasah which means to test or try* Meribah – from the root word rib, to strive or contend* EYE –* Rephidim – a possible site for the oasis* MATH –* The number of people Moses led from Egypt is counted in the hundreds of thousands. That’s