Better Conversations on Money and MarriageDerek and Carrie

Better Conversations on Money and MarriageDerek and Carrie

Live on Half of Your Income

February 17, 2015

You get married.

You move in together.

You split the rent and the bills.

You both have jobs and have no kids.

Life is good.

You start spending money like crazy and establish financial-lifestyle habits and expectations.

You even get a car payment and a mortgage based on two incomes.

It's cool, you can keep up with everything...

...for now.

Then you have a kid and one of you quits your job.

Life gets more expensive and your income drops like a rock at the same time.

wah wah wah (sad trombone)

In this episode, Carrie and I talk about how to make the transition from two incomes and no kids to one income with kids go smooth.

-Derek, Carrie, Amelie

Here are some other websites that talk about living on half of your income.
SAVE 50 Facebook group! - LaTisha D Styles
Here’s How Anyone Can Live On Half Of Their Income Or Less - Money Manifesto
How Anyone Can Retire In 10 Years (or Less) - Financial Mentor
How To Save 50% Or More Of Your Income - Making sense of cents
My Plan to Travel the World and Save Half of my Income - LaTisha D Styles
Save Half Challenge: A Dummy Proof Method to Saving 50% Take Home Income - Taylor Gordon
Proof You Can Live 50% of Your Income - Budgets Are Sexy (j$) // (Also has more links to other great blogs about this topic.)

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