Your Money This Week

Your Money This Week

Latest Episodes

Social media tips for job seekers
July 14, 2014

Would your tweets and posts turn off an employer? Find out if your social media presence needs polishing.

Safe and shrewd summer car tips
July 07, 2014

Old car? Here's how to cope with its stalling and bad tires -- or just get a good lease deal on a new model.

Bond highlights for summer
June 30, 2014

Will bonds have more fun? Days of higher yields may indeed be ahead, so don't ignore the fixed-income market.

Investing: How do you get started?
June 23, 2014

So, you want to be an investor, but you don't know a 401(k) from an ETF. Here's how to make good first steps.

Left and right on the economy
June 16, 2014

Surprise! Experts from the two sides of the political divide can have similar outlooks about the economy and Congress.

Hopes and hazards for the economy
June 09, 2014

As a campaign year and foreign crises heat up, the dollar keeps going down. Hear what it all means for your finances.

Travel more, pay less this summer
June 02, 2014

As a campaign year and foreign crises heat up, the dollar keeps going down. Hear what it all means for your finances.

Politics, the dollar and you
May 26, 2014

As a campaign year and foreign crises heat up, the dollar keeps going down. Hear what it all means for your finances.

Will stocks keep flying high?
May 19, 2014

Major stock averages have been soaring to new records. Will Wall Street keep fattening your 401(k)?

Getting a good financial start
May 05, 2014

Congratulations to the Class of 2014! Now get out there and start earning and saving, using these tips.