Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 037

June 17, 2017

If you want to get better at selling this episode of Monday sales Coach is for you – on top of this we will also look at Personal Brand and your Digital footprint.
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Understand How To Win A Deal
You want to get better at selling? You want to get better at demand creation rather than demand reaction?
Then learn how to uncover your prospects “how.”
How does your prospect do what they do?
Here’s how it works.
Start with what your product or service does. What value does it bring?
Then start asking your prospect how they do what your product or service does now.
Ex: You sell hauling equipment.
“How” questions:

* How do you haul today?
* How long does it take?
* How many people are involved?
* How many trips does it take to haul?
* How expensive are your fuel costs?
* How frequently to you have to fuel?
* How much waste do you experience?
* How much manual loading is required?
* How far can you go without refueling?
* How much can you load in a single trip?
* How quickly can you unload?
* How fuel efficient is your hauling?

I don’t run a hauling equipment company, but if I knew the answers to these questions, I’m pretty sure I could sell a lot of hauling equipment.
If you’re selling anything that is valuable, what your selling should be an improvement over what they are doing. If you don’t know what they are doing, you can selling an improvement.
Learn your prospects “how.”
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Your Digital Footprint
What happens when you Google your name?
What comes up?
You’re Facebook page, your LinkedIn profile, what?
Do you like what you find? Is it consistent with who you are and how you do your job? Is what you find when you google your name, consistent with who you are?
If someone had to make a split decision on hiring you or not, based on your social presence would you get hired?
All I can say is, the answer better be yes! If it’s not, that’s a problem.
People expect to find who and what they are looking for when they Google something and if they don’t they become suspect.  We’ve become and information society and that’s quickly changing the success game.
People want to know who you are, what makes you good, how you do what you do and more before they meet you. They aren’t OK learning it in an interview.
Take the test and search your name, what does a Google search say about you and is it good enough?
Personal brand matters.
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