MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

027 Content Marketing Isn't Hard, It's just Hard Work

May 04, 2016

Marketing isn’t hard. It’s just
hard work.
When it comes to Content Marketing, Ilyce Glink and John Byrne
believe you have to do about 17 different things in order to make
the most of each piece of content.
And, they're not alone. Entrepreneur magazine online also talks
about what you need to do repurpose content: Infographics, podcasting, quick explainer
video, bite-size content via social media platforms, short videos,
quick chat live video via Periscope or Facebook. And, don't forget
about Pinterest, Reddit, and thousands of other social
All this slicing and dicing of content is leading us to be Jacks
of all trades, masters of none. You have to take a step back and
remember what you're trying to accomplish here. What’s the best way
to do that?
Marketing pros often get distracted by the metrics they can
measure. But, what does it really tell you? What’s important? What
does it mean?
So, what are you trying to do and how do you measure
success? Are you trying to generate leads? Increase exposure?
Build brand? Are there next steps?
We've officially entered the post-digital world. And, what
exactly does that mean?
What we’re finding is all these
different tech platforms and multiple streams of data need a real,
live human being to pull it all back and say, "What do we want to
be doing here and how do we measure success?"  
Part of the post-digital world
is about bringing back the human valuation of strategy and data.
We’re swimming in data but no one knows how to really use it.
Remember Nate Silver's "The Signal and the Noise?" These days,
there's a lot of noise and very few signals are getting
Metrics aren’t valuable if all
they’re doing is measuring. We actually need less data and more
insight. Sometimes less is more.
There's so much stuff out there, it's easy to get overwhelmed.
So, just remember KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid).
Old Navy used interracial couple in an ad, and that blew up
online. Now, interracial couples are sending in their photos.
Clearly, grass roots marketing is alive and well and not tolerant
of intolerance.
Find Ilyce Glink on Twitter @Glink, or at  Her
store is 
Find John Byrne on Twitter @John_M_Byrne or at His Blog
is called TheByrneBlog.