MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

021 - Top 10 Marketing Mistakes

February 23, 2016

In this week's edition of Monday Morning Marketing, John and Ilyce discuss the top 10 marketing mistakes businesses often make.
The biggest mistake marketers often make is not knowing who the audience is. Figuring out who is the audience (or even a niche audience) is an important first step for any successful marketing campaign.
You've got to figure out who is your target demographic. Go deep into your customer profiles, which involve knowing the age, income level, location and gender of your customer. You can't expect to maximize your sales if you don't know who's buying. 
Another common mistake many businesses tend to make is marketing to the mirror. In other words, a marketing executive (or business owner) will often believe that if it happens to them, it's the same for all of their customers. Not only are you marketing with bias, you could be making a very serious and expensive mistake.
Another mistake is what John likes to call "Random Acts of Marketing." Ilyce and John believe that marketing should be a strategic process rather than a random attempt to capture publicity.
Know the five "Ws" as well as the how of your marketing plan before you execute. Hiring a marketing firm might make sense depending on the needs of your company and how much you're willing to spend.
For more insight into the top 10 marketing mistakes businesses make, check out this week's edition of Monday Morning Marketing. 
Finally, Ilyce and John get back to politics, specifically Jeb Bush's failure to thrive as a candidate. Jeb's campaign didn't renew the URL, allowing the Trump campaign to buy the domain name. They also look at how much it cost per vote, which is a great lesson for all marketers on ROI.
As always, thanks for listening. We'd love to hear your feedback, so be sure to leave comments and find us on Twitter, Facebook, G+ and check out our companies (and brands) online:
@Glink - Think Glink Media  and
@johnmbyrne - Glencoe Media Group