MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

014 - Why Mobile Marketing Was One of the Biggest Stories of 2015

January 07, 2016

Biggest story of 2015: The dominance of Mobile
Nearly two-thirds of American adults now have a smartphone, and for many, it’s their main online access point. About one in 7 of those mobile phone users aged 18 to 29 use smartphones as their primary online access (and may not have any other convenient or consistent access to the Internet).  Google recognized this in April, 2015 by implementing a search “penalty” for any websites that weren’t “mobile-friendly.”
On the show, we discuss the “vertical” scroll, the fastest-growing social media network, and how most smartphone users spend 85 percent of their time using just 5 apps. We also discuss how the Big 4 (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple) see mobile and how you as a marketer should use it going forward in the new year.
Continuing trend into 2016: Advertising is still struggling, in all categories
We spend a few minutes discussing how to beat the advertising blues in mobile, desktop digital, social media, print, native advertising, and through email. The good news for marketers (and for us, given that John and I are in the business of delivering top-quality content) is that long-form content is king, and seems to be attracting a loyal and, in some sectors, growing area of readers. There’s also some interest in the “serialization” of longer-form content. Will see this grow in 2016? Tune in to find out.
Finally, The Donald.
Our take on what’s going right in that campaign (other than his poll numbers). Since this is a presidential election year, we’ll be taking a close look in each Monday Morning Marketing episode on what various campaigns are doing right – and not so right – as we march forward to November.
We welcome new listeners from WGN+ and hope you’ll sign up to receive a new episode as it becomes available. We’re planning to post each week, though business travel and work for clients sometimes gets in the way.
And while we’re on that subject, it’s a new year and we’re looking for new clients. If you like what you hear, give us a call! Find John and click here to reach me.
And, be sure to reach out on Twitter: