MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

MondayMorningMarketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne

013 - The 2016 Marketing Trends Show

January 07, 2016

Consumers are more informed than ever, so being smart is even more important than it used to be. . The old model of sales, where the goal was to educate the customer, is no longer valid. Instead, selling depends on connecting with a potential consumer or client’s needs, and a smart marketing strategy can help achieve that goal. Content marketing is one pathway to increasing consumer intelligence.
Then there’s what seems to be a “retro” movement afoot in the industry. Digital advertising is out for hyperlocal marketing strategies, while old pipelines such as direct mail are proving they’re not dead yet.
Successful marketing is all about staying ahead of the curve, so tune in to this week’s Monday Morning Marketing Podcast for all of Ilyce Glink and John Byrne’s marketing trends for 2016.
And, be sure to reach out on Twitter & check out our companies:
@Glink - Think Glink Media  
@johnmbyrne - Glencoe Media Group