themonarchanddrt's podcast

themonarchanddrt's podcast

Fad Diets! The Criteria To Help You Decide if it Will Work For You

January 08, 2015

As a society plagued with negativity surrounding body image, weight and health we are constantly bombarded with fad diets that promise the world, and fast. All you need to do is put your hand in your pocket and part with some hard earned cash.
Listen this week as Amy Monarch and Teresa Leberknight of The Monarch and Dr T share their experiences and insights into the world of fad diets, and how this is a particular mine field for diabetics.
You will find yourself reassured that slow and steady truly does win the race when it comes to the world of weight loss, and how to keep yourself on the straight and narrow.
Watch for Red Flags
There are many marketing techniques used when it comes to selling you a new fad diet. Whether it’s the lemon juice cleanse, grapefruit diet, the 1 day diet or even Paleo, all of their advertising techniques are very similar.
Watch out for promises such as; a money back guarantee, 100% safe, being doctor approved and squeaky clean testimonials. All of these are used to make you feel safe and secure in undertaking this diet. Reassuring you that you have nothing to lose with this diet, when in actual fact, you do.
It is important to think about the long term health effects of diets like these; are you able to maintain this, would you still be able to (or want to) eat like this in 12 months’ time? If the answer is no, avoid it at all costs.
Avoid a Hot and Cold Relationship
It is a common misconception that you are able to wake up your metabolism and shock it back into action if you have a stagnant and repetitive diet. This is simply not true, and by undertaking many of these fad diets you are sending the wrong signals to your body.
A hot and cold relationship with your insides is not one you want to have, especially as diabetics. Many fad diets will play havoc with your blood sugar levels, leaving you to deal with an almighty crash once the original water, or muscle weight has been lost.
Once you know what to look out for you will be equipped to use your common sense to avoid being sucked in by such marketing techniques. It’s simple, if the advert for a diet looks too good to be true, then it probably is.
Listen this week as Amy and Teresa answer questions such as:

What are fad diets?
What should I be looking out for?
How can fad diets affect my diabetes?
Is eating too little calories unsafe?
Which diets are considered fad?
What does a money-back guarantee even mean?

Sometimes, under the supervision of a doctor, drastic measures are necessary when it comes to weight loss. This is only in the most extreme of cases, when there is a significant risk to somebody’s life if they do not lose weight. However, the majority of people do not need this quick fix, and should avoid it.
Come and share your stories, trials and tribulations with The Monarch and Dr T community. Which fad diets have you tried? What advice would you give to those considering giving them a try?
Start the conversation on Facebook or the community page of the website and help each other reach their goals. Alternatively leave any comments or questions below, we would love to hear from you!
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