themonarchanddrt's podcast

themonarchanddrt's podcast

Diabetes from the Pharmacist Perspective

November 24, 2014

After your physician, a pharmacist is part of the front line when it comes to dealing with newly diagnosed diabetes patients. They play an important role in the conveying of helpful information, and are a tool you should definitely be using.
Amy Monarch and Teresa Leberknight of The Monarch and Dr T discuss the best ways to deal with a new diagnosis of diabetes – from the pharmacist’s perspective.
This episode focuses on the main questions asked by a newly diagnosed diabetes patient, and how your pharmacist can help you deal with and combat your diabetes on a local, personal level.
A Little Education Goes a Long Way
When it comes to dealing with a new diagnosis of something as life changing as diabetes you can receive some pretty vague information. This can leave you feeling a little alone, being given a diagnosis and no back up on how to deal with it.
This can evoke a fight, flight or freeze scenario, and without the correct information you can feel like you’ve failed at looking after your own body. Letting yourself feel this way can cause you to run away from your diagnosis, or freeze and not quite know what to do, or where to go.
Pharmacists are well-equipped with all the health education you will need to help take back the control of your body and your diabetes. They have a wealth of knowledge on the best ways to help you ‘fight’ your diabetes.
Create a Mental Gain
As they say knowledge is power, and this is particularly relevant when dealing with diabetes. It is important to take advantage of the help you can get from your pharmacist, with an array of information at their fingertips.
They are able to monitor how often you are picking up your medication, and can provide you with information if your situation has changed, and if your medication isn’t working the way it should be.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for help with the new found task of injecting yourself. They will be able to help you through this step and show you the easiest ways to incorporate this into your daily routine.
It’s also important to monitor how your blood sugar levels are doing, so you can keep tabs patterns and trends, and how the medication you’ve received is having an effect on your body’s reactions overall.
In this podcast, Amy and Teresa talk about common concerns and answer questions like:

I’m newly diagnosed, how do I change my lifestyle now?

What are the best drug distribution tools?

How do I successfully monitor my blood sugar?

What are the best ways to record my blood sugar numbers?

What if I fall off the wagon?

What are the most powerful ways to help me control my diabetes?

Where should I be doing my prick tests?

It’s easy to forget that controlling your diabetes is a process. There’s no teacher waiting to give you a bad grade if you have a rocky few days and fall off the wagon.
All you need to do is refresh, reevaluate and restart, and your pharmacist can help you do all of this.
We want you to share your triumphs with The Monarch and Dr T community. What positive experiences have you had with your local pharmacist? Are there any tips and tricks you’ve found particularly useful as a newly diagnosed diabetic? Please leave your comments and stories below.
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