themonarchanddrt's podcast

themonarchanddrt's podcast

Eat Your Veggies Darn It!

November 17, 2014

We all know how difficult it can be to get our children to eat vegetables. But in reality we simply aren’t eating enough of the little nuggets of goodness either, and it’s sometimes easy to overlook regularly including them in our meals.
This week, Amy Monarch and Teresa Leberknight of The Monarch and Dr T tell us how we can easily incorporate veggies into our daily routine, and why it’s so important to eat them whether you have to hide them or not.
This episode focuses on the health benefits of vegetables and simple tips and tricks into easily consuming veggies more every day.
Vegetables Schmegtables
They are one of the most important parts of a healthy diet and there are many more options than you think. It’s time to explore the world of veggies and take yourself out of your comfort zone with these fibrous wonders.
What about squash spaghetti instead of the regular kind, or kale chips rather than potato chips? These alternatives are both nutritious and delicious with minimal effort.
You could even pop some greens into a smoothie and blitz them out of sight. This ensures you are getting all the portions you need whilst drinking something delicious.
Just Think of all the Fiber
Fiber is essential to keeping our bodies running smoothly. You need all the roughage you can get in order to keep things ‘regular’.
Unfortunately, fiber supplements just don’t cut it compared to the real deal. Vegetables act like a light sandpaper on your gut, clearing all the nasty out so your body can absorb the vitamins and nutrients it really needs.
If the lining of your gut is coated with gunk from all the unhealthy food in your diet, fiber supplements aren’t going to do the same job, and all the gunk stays exactly where it is.
You can start taking some multivitamins to boost all the goodness, but make sure you’re reading the label and that any type you choose is plant based, not processed.
In this podcast, Amy and Teresa answer questions such as:

Vegetables, why do we even need them?
Tips and trick to growing your own vegetables
How do I get my kids to eat the greens?
Is there any different between organic and conventional veg?
What vegetables can I be eating?
How do I sneak extra veggies into my diet?
How important is fiber?
How to cook vegetables quickly

It’s time to get playful! There are so many different types of vegetables you can be eating, and so many different ways to cook them.
We want you to share your triumphs with The Monarch and Dr T community. What new recipes have you come up with? Have you played with your food this week, and how did that work out?
Start the conversation on Facebook or the community page of the website and help each other reach your goals. Alternatively leave any comments or questions below, we would love to hear from you!