themonarchanddrt's podcast

themonarchanddrt's podcast

How Proper Grocery Shopping Can Improve Your Diabetes

November 08, 2014

Grocery shopping can be a battle all in itself. Our supermarkets nowadays really are super-markets, and the thought of trawling through aisles upon aisles of items can fill us with dread.
This week join Amy Monarch and Teresa Leberknight of The Monarch and Dr T as they guide you through the minefield of grocery store shopping. Giving you back the control and making the process as simple as possible.
This episode focuses on how to make easy work of your weekly grocery shop. With tips and tricks to make planning ahead as simple as possible; what to buy and what to avoid in order to improve your diabetes management.
It’s Time for a Strategy
Every supermarket has its own marketing ploy to make you buy as much high sugar, high calorie, unhealthy food as possible. It’s time to fight back.
Being newly diagnosed with diabetes is overwhelming all on its own, never mind having to battle food shopping as well. As a society we consume an average 150-175lbs of sugar each year, compared to just 4lbs just 100 years ago, which is a truly astounding increase.
By planning ahead and creating your own strategy of grocery shopping you will be able to make easy work of your weekly shop. It’s all about lists and preparation; avoiding certain aisles and making fresh produce your new best friend.
Easy Peasey Food Shopping
Buying fresh fruits and vegetables will significantly cut down the amount of processed sugar you consume. This in turn will decrease the damage done to your body; reducing the inflammation caused by excess sugar consumption, and possibly reversing the effects of diabetes completely.
Replacing sugary and processed foods with more items from the fruits and vegetables aisle is an integral step towards getting your metabolism running smoothly and helping you lose weight; adding to the positive cycle of dropping the symptoms of diabetes.
Let’s focus on the overall goal. Where do you want to go? Determining your destination will help you focus on the end game, and lead you to success.
Listen this week as Amy and Teresa answer questions such as:

What is the best way to shop?
How do I plan my meals and prepare ahead of time?
What is the best time to go grocery shopping?
What are the best baking products to substitute with?
How do I keep myself on the wagon?

What is your default behavior, and how do you change that? You will learn how to see what your triggers are, how to control them and learn the tricks to creating sustainable eating habits for life.
Please leave your comments or questions below, we would love to hear from you! Let us know about your own successes. What substitutes have you found that work well for you, and how have you overcome the daunting task of grocery shopping?