themonarchanddrt's podcast

themonarchanddrt's podcast

Change Your Food - Change Your Life

October 09, 2014

How many times have you started a new diet? How many times has even the thought of eating out made you break out in a sweat?

This week’s podcast helps ease the anxiety surrounding healthy eating as you’re introduced to some simple tips and tricks to help keep down your sugar intake and clear up the confusion surrounding what is ‘healthy’ and what is not.

This week join Amy Monarch and Teresa Leberknight of The Monarch and Dr T as they guide you on how to take control of your diabetes, giving you invaluable tools to help you lead a longer, healthier life.

Listen with pad and pen nearby for tips and tricks to help you lower your weight, rid yourself of pain, and even reverse some of the effects of diabetes. Following the advice here will help improve internal function, putting less stress on your organs, helping you lose weight faster and leave you feeling great.

Cut Down the Sugar and Feel Great

Diabetes affects 25.8 million of us, and today unhealthy food is everywhere you look. It is difficult to resist the temptations put before us, however, these foods and their sky high sugar content makes daily life hard work for your organs.

The inflammatory response from sugar is incredible, doing more damage than you’d like to think. It can affect the heart, liver and kidneys, all the way to your veins and brain. Simply cutting down your sugar intake can change and even reverse the effects of diabetes, decreasing the insulin spike accompanied with the sugar overload caused by certain foods.

Simple Tips and Tricks to Change Your Eating Habits

Attempting to instantly change your whole diet is impossible. This podcast aims to change all that by giving you simple adjustments and helping you see consistent, positive changes in your body, and your life.

We are creatures of habit and successfully breaking the bad ones is the road to combating your diabetes. Changing certain patterns and habits will inevitably get the ball rolling, and once it does there is no turning back.

Amy and Teresa give invaluable tips on how to deal with some parts of daily life that can be a minefield for diabetics such as; halving your restaurant portions, having stress free trips to the grocery store, and listening to your body and mastering those hunger signals.

You will learn to let your body control you rather than trying to control it, and how to manage your portion sizes without feeling like you’re missing out. It’s all about small, specific, positive changes to return the highest gains and improve your quality of life.

Listen as Amy and Teresa discuss some of the most common concerns about diabetes and answer some important questions, including:

  • How do I maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  • How do I create a good relationship with food?
  • What should I be eating, and when?
  • What foods should I be buying?
  • What should I do to stop overeating?

You will learn to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and consume your dinners like a beggar. This will provide you with the tools to help your body control blood sugar levels throughout the day, and keep yourself going all day long.

Please leave your comments or questions below, we would love to hear from you! Let us know about the things you’re having trouble changing, the bumps in the road that you’re facing.