Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa

Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa

41: Get Organized on Organization Lane

July 28, 2015

How many of you have walked into a home and came across a sign that said “Bless this mess?” I know I have and perhaps you have one in your own home, but let’s face it; we need to be blessing the stress that’s caused by the mess!
The Mom Talk community is one where judging of other moms and families does not exist. This is a place where we can keep it real and as a result, get the help we all need and deserve. Today’s guest is here to help us get organized!
Sandra Lane, CPO, board certified professional organizer and founder of Organization Lane,  has years of experience in helping individuals and businesses be more productive and manage their time more efficiently.  
Sandra's natural tendency for order has helped her excel in her home/work life, as a volunteer in church, school and the community and she would be happy to be of service to you. 
I first heard Sandra speak at The MomCon in Pittsburgh and I was so impressed with her practical and actionable advice that I knew she would be of great help to the Mom Talk community. Please take a listen to our mom talk about getting rid of the mess and stress!
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Facebook: Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa
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Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children
PreK for PA