Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa

Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa

40: Married with Children: Tips on How to Keep the Love Alive

July 21, 2015

If you are married and raising children, I don’t have to tell you about the many challenges that come with both roles. So many of you have requested I do a show on marriage and today’s guest is just who we need to speak on this important topic.
Deborah L. Mills is no stranger to adversity from verbal and mental abuse as a child to a marriage gone terribly wrong as an adult.  Her message is one of triumph over tragedy.  Her self empowering and motivating approach to instructing and mentoring allows you to see that victory is possible for YOU!
As a speaker, author, mentor, and transformational life strategist Deborah has a heartfelt desire to see others prosper in their relationships.  Her message declares that healthy relationships are YOUR birthright.
Over the course of 25 years, Deborah has learned that a healthy relationship with self is the key to all other relationships whether at home or at work.
Countless workshops, counseling sessions, and a degree in organizational leadership and management have afforded her the opportunity to experience firsthand, the value of coaching and transformational leadership.
Get pen and paper ready because this mom and marriage talk is going to enlighten you and give you practical steps towards marital bliss!
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