Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa

Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa

026: Ultimate Play Day

April 14, 2015

The Ultimate Play Day is a day long celebration focused on the idea that play is a crucial aspect of everyone’s life. Hosted by the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, the Ultimate Play Day is an opportunity for the Pittsburgh community to come together in a centralized location to engage in and learn about play. This year, local and regional organizations will host play stations throughout Burgwin Park to provide a holistic model of innovative and creative play. The event will feature outdoor play, an opportunity to create with natural materials such as small logs, rocks, & acorns, games made from recycled material, art, the imagination playground, story telling sessions, hula hoop play, and drum circles. There will be play for every age—from the very young to the most seasoned! In addition to modeling and inspiring innovative play, the 3rd Annual Ultimate Play Day will demonstrate how we, as parents, educators/artists, and community members can incorporate play in our every day lives.  The featured activities are carefully selected as ones that can be replicated at home, in school, and at our neighborhood park. This celebration will also introduce community members to playful organizations such as The Carnegie Museum of Art, The Saturday Light Brigade, Kids Plus Pediatrics, PAEYC, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, and many more! Our hope is that this event will spark conversations regarding other play-based topics including, play and learning, risk and play, nature play, and play through design. Join me as I speak with Cara Ciminillo to chat about this exciting event!
Thank you to our sponsors:
Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children (PAEYC)
PreK for PA
Twitter: DeniseNLaRosa
Faceook: Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa