Mom Prepares

Mom Prepares

How To Live Off Grid| Podcast 42

March 11, 2015

Jaimie and her family live off grid and chronicle their adventures on An American and focus on being self-sufficient. Their only connection to the grid is through a phone line. They are able to get high speed internet through the phone line that is connected to and powered by a solar panel. Their goal with their website is to teach other people the preparedness and homestead skills that they have learned firsthand.

The Provident Prepper: a common-sense guide to preparing for emergencies
by Kylene & Jonathan Jones No one knows when a storm will hit or an economic disaster take place. Protect your family by being prepared for things like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and civil unrest. The Provident Prepper is an easy-to-use guide without doom and gloom.

Jaimie from An American
Jaimie said that she does not miss electricity; running water, on the other hand, would be nice to have – and they are working on it! Listen to hear why they choose to live off grid, how they choose to use their limited solar power, why they have a guard donkey instead of a dog, the item she could not live without, a typical household task that becomes hard, why they went with modular housing, how the compostable toilet works, and more!

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Mentioned in this podcast: 

Canning Over A Wood Fire
Camp Shower
Laundry Drying Rack Out Of An Old Crib
19 Quart All American Pressure Canner
Compostable Toilet

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Read more about off grid living on
Get Off The Grid With Solar Power
Generating 110 Electricity When Off Grid
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