Mommy Jammies

Mommy Jammies

Help For Homeschool Moms – Special Guest Stacy Farrell – Episode 21

June 09, 2015

DON’T RUN FROM THE MIRROR! Help for Homeschool Moms
When families first consider homeschooling, they often feel ill-equipped for the challenge. Quality resources abound today, but there is a critical element necessary for success that can’t be purchased for any price. We need courage to face the truth about ourselves as we see our weaknesses reflected in the mirror of our homeschools. Come discover how you will be refined and reshaped through the process of developing the character and knowledge required to give your children a true education.

There is help for homeschool moms!

For a limited time - Party-Favors including the cards Stacy mentioned HERE

Handout - Use this to take notes as you listen. Mommy Jammies Night-StacyFarrell
 More about Stacy! 
Blog Here -> On Loving Jesus

Stacy Farrell’s worldview changed when she embarked on her homeschooling adventure in 2002. Her background as a consultant and writer well-prepared her to teach communication skills; however, only hands-on experience (and much time spent on her knees) equipped her to mentor her sons through the character-transformation required to help them work toward their full potential. Stacy has spoken at a variety of homeschool conferences and has published articles in leading Christian and homeschool magazines. Prior to homeschooling, she wrote a broad range of material for corporate, Christian, and and non-profit clients. She also managed a law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and constitutional law. Today, she loves to help empower students to recover territory lost by “fuzzy thinking” and low expectations. Although Stacy loves to write, speak, and teach, she considers her role as wife to Roger and mother to two precious sons to be her greatest work and privilege.

Show Notes Here:

Some of the things Stacy mentioned...

1. Name three habits you want to change.

2. Name three things you would like to exchange for those bad habits.

3. Standards to teach your children: A. Study habits: i.e., discipline;   B. Eating Habits: i.e., self-control; C. How to Treat Others: i.e. character.

Recommended resources:

Philippians in 28 Weeks - Here

Shepherding a Child's Heart - Here for More Information

Delightful Planning - by Marcy Crabtree (next month's Mommy Jammies Night speaker!)