Mommy Jammies

Mommy Jammies

Mommy On

March 10, 2015

broadcasts heard by women all over the world! Felice blogs at Home For Learning 

Keep Calm & Mommy On! with Jube Dankworth
“Can We Talk?” …come gather around the computer for a great evening of Mom talk with Jube.  Refreshing, uplifting and funny, and we all can use some humor.  So put the little ones to bed, and come laugh with your friends (who you invited).  You can survive this Mommy journey and Jube will share how!

So how does one Mommy On? But pushing through the hard stuff and continuing on the path ... some of us have it so much harder than others, which is why we need to ban together! How can we help you to Mommy On? Tweet the hashtag #mommyon - and on FB as well - we will be there to help you! Thanks so much to Jube Dankworth who shared that phrase with all of us! Mommies unite and Mommy On!

About Jube:

Jube is married to the greatest guy in the world, mom to 4 homeschool graduates, and field trip grandma.  She is an author, speaker and social media ninja.  Texas Home Educators is a communication network that has just come into the real world to help nurture the grassroots of homeschooling.

Find Jube Here:

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Website: Texas Home Educators