Talk Space&Co. The Podcast

Talk Space&Co. The Podcast

Pregnancy & VBAC journey-Antonia

June 29, 2021

WOW! had you asked me in the past if i ever saw myself having another child, at home , and a VBAC- i'd probably tell you nah, i don't see it. With Doctors telling me no it's not possible and to have done it makes me feel like a super hero.

Living in a world where there is fear in child birth (pain, screaming, etc.) especially for black mother's. Wanting a better birthing experience for myself was top on my list when it came to preparing my body mentally and physically for the birth of baby b.

Businesses mentioned-

My way Birth(Midwife) Cassandra

Asase Yaa Doula & Lactation Jennifer Holliday

DMV mobile chiropractor Dr. Brittany Harris

Prenatal Yoga Angilique

Placenta Encapsulation