The Mollys Daily Kisscast

The Mollys Daily Kisscast

S01 – E06 – Jayne Renault

November 15, 2019

Welcome back to this weeks episode of the Kisscast and my guest in this episode is Jayne Renault. We talk about writing and how that led her to her answering a Craigslist ad that led to her job at Bellesa. There is of course lots more but you will have to listen to find out what that is….
In this episode:

* Writing and turning it into a career
* Her work at Bellesa
* Writing consent in erotica
* Infidelity Smut
* Sisters in Smut
* Smutathon

Links from the episode:
Jayne Renault
Smut Saved My Life: Cheating Edition
Writing for Bellesa
Sister’s in Smut
Coffee and Kink
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