

17: How To Get Paid Sponsorships For Anything with Shannon Cherry

July 14, 2014

Imagine being the go-to person in your field… the expert your prospects want to do business with… the one everyone is talking about… the one getting more money consistently. Now imagine being that successful with authenticity and integrity… in a way that you build lasting relationships with those you serve.

Shannon Cherry helps make that dream a reality by providing savvy strategies for smart entrepreneurs.

A business and marketing pro with more than two decades of experience, she helps you to make more money in your business without adding more time.

She founded her business in 2002 to help helped experienced and ambitious entrepreneurs grow the business they desire– without compromising on their principles. Her focus is to provide laser-targeted solutions to get fast results.

Known for her unique and creative revenue-generating ideas, including helping businesses get sponsorships, gaining prominence by creating an official holiday, and much more, Shannon has been named:
*one of the top 60 business bloggers
*one of the top 25 PR bloggers
*one of the 101 Women to Watch on Social Media

Shannon’s business has been debt-free since its inception and she consistently works only 25 hours per week to spend more time with her family in the San Francisco Bay area.

Shannon Cherry's Website -
Attracting Sponsors E-Course-
Shannon's Facebook Page -