

11: Why Gwen Dean Cut The Strings From Her Day Job To Be A Puppet Master

June 25, 2014

Over the past 18 years, Gwen Dean had manufactured over 65 million gallons of chilled water during her career operating large tonnage refrigeration machinery.
But… it was puppets and their interaction with children that was her real love since childhood. From the days of her father animating her favorite teddy bear to the fun-filled magic of her puppet shows today, infectious laughter and energetic conversations between children and puppets are pure passion for Gwen.

With some well laid plans and a bit of courage, Gwen created a memorable exit during a Super Bown commercial last year. I wanted to follow up and find out how it worked out for her.

Puppets By Gwen Website -
PGOGNY - Puppetry Guild of Greater New York - - -
Puppeteers of America -
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