Sermons of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Sermons of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Be Ye Reconciled to God

April 29, 2024

2 Corinthians 5:6 — Learn of the calmness and assurance that comes with this Christian Gospel. There is a confidence that comes with believing. All things are of God and for God. In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:6-17, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that the first result of this new creation that Christianity proclaims is a new perspective. Why do we need to be changed? Why do we need a new view? Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims the necessity of this radical reorientation. Look at the example of Paul. Examine the natural view of man versus the biblical view of man. You cannot face the end of life without first accepting this teaching. You will never know the comfort of the Scriptures if you do not accept it from beginning to end. Is man merely an animal? The world thinks that there is nothing outside of the concrete and material world, but there is an entirely other reality beyond man’s comprehension. Do you glory in appearance or in heart? The world thinks that man is essentially and fundamentally good. Learn to think of man in terms of his relationship to God, and see man in the context of God. Man is not the arbiter of his faith. God alone saves.