Mixed Business Show

Mixed Business Show

Live Case Study 3 – Hayley Kershaw

August 11, 2015

Has anyone tried to tell you they're a coach? This case study is all about a young lady that nearly became a coach, she took a look in the mirror and realised "I need to sort my sh*t out and do something first".


So without writing a book, creating a program or selling a webinar series Hayley went out and started getting seriously clear on why she wanted to help people. She then aligned that to the physical making of something she loves to make and now creates one off homewares and artworks based around the idea of reconnecting your life and your environment.


Enter The Woven Dream (http://thewovendream.com).


This isn't astrology or crystal healing, it's using the focus of beautifully created, exclusive pieces to help her customers bring the spiritual and natural worlds into their day to day lives. It's hard to describe how at peace one feels when considering or meditating on these pieces, they are genuinely beautiful.


All that being said, this wouldn't be a Mixed Business case study if we didn't ask tough questions and find out if Hayley really has the right marketing, infrastructure, audience and message to turn these incredible items into a financially viable business.


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Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Woven-Dream/398890073622031?fref=ts)

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