Mixed Business Show

Mixed Business Show

Live Case Study 2 – Tristan Hoy

August 10, 2015

The Tech space is competitive to say the least, every week a new Software as a Service (SaaS) company seems to be making your life incrementally more productive than it was previously. Sometimes a big change is made in such a small way we miss it. I didn't want you to miss Tristan's...


In the middle of a "Broad Trip" I took the chance to get Tristan on the record regarding what it's like trying to build a software company in his spare time. By software company I mean amazing software concept that's still him building it by himself.


[Tweet "starting #saas companies on a "Broad Trip" @mixedbizmag"]


With incredible clarity and some serious coding talent Orbital Proxy (http://orbitalproxy.io) is set to become the industry standard for programmers everywhere... the only issue is how do you go from concept and test product to ready to launch and take money?


Listen in and find out. Apologies if the audio isn't up to our usual standard, this was recorded on the highway...