MISSION CHURCH #missionislife

MISSION CHURCH #missionislife


August 24, 2014

When you see the word culture you should think mission, or more specifically, sending. Because that is literally what mission means. Mission literally means “to be sent.†And as you ask yourself, “If an abiding relationship with Christ will inevitable call me to go, and if the body of Christ exists to be sent, then where is Christ sending me?†And the answer to that question is culture. Christ sends you and me to the culture that we currently live in. It does not mean that you have to quit your job and move to Africa. It literally and very specifically means that where-ever you are now – God has sent you there, into that culture, to redeem, renew, and retell that culture’s story through the Gospel. Everyone of us lives and operates in very different cultures. The construction worker lives in a slightly different culture than the elementary school teacher. The bartender, the ballerina, the business man and the bill collector all live in different cultures. Jesus sent you into your culture with a mission. Today we will talk about that mission.