Misfit Stars

Misfit Stars

“Snow vibes.” ☃️

December 21, 2022

On this week’s episode: we’re talking about the welcoming power of inclusive language; the 10-year anniversary of Sandy Hook, and some breathtaking statistics regarding guns and gun policy in the US; the astonishing upward transfer of wealth that’s happened in the last 50 years, and how we could all be doing so much better in myriad practical ways if that hadn’t happened (or if we changed those bad policies!); the personally transformative opportunity we create when we make new friends; and how some teens are inspiring Jamie to maybe resurrect his flip phone.

We’re on break until the new year! See you in 2023.

Listen to our new album: songwhip.com/shannoncurtis/good-to-me
Free Covid tests: special.usps.com/testkits


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Thank you so much for your support; we couldn’t do any of this without you. ❤️