Cinema Misfits

Cinema Misfits

Episode 82: Dallas Buyers Club, Inside Llewyn Davis, and Philomena

January 04, 2014


6 ‘n 90!  Da Man reviews six films in ninety seconds.


Dallas Buyers Club.  First Anne Hathaway lost 25 pounds to be in
Les Miserables, and now Matthew McConaughey loses even more weight for
his role in Dallas Buyers Club.  In the future, Academy members won’t
vote for best actor but will hold a weigh-in, and whoever comes
in lowest will take the Oscar.


Inside Llewyn Davis.  Even though critics seem to love Inside Llewyn Davis,
fans of folk music probably haven’t been this outraged since Dylan went
“electric†at the Newport Folk Festival.


Philomena.  This is the story of a woman who was forced by a
convent to sign away the parental rights to her young son, and her 50 year
search to find him.  You know, sometimes it seems like it takes
that long to find a decent film at the local multiplex, but if you go to
see this movie, both your search, and Philomena’s, will have a happy

Thanks for listening!  We’ll be back in three weeks.