The Ministry Connection Podcast | An Independent Baptist Ministry Podcast

The Ministry Connection Podcast | An Independent Baptist Ministry Podcast

#052 – REPLAY – What Most Excites and Concerns You About the Future for Independent Baptist Churches?

June 02, 2015

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Today, I'm replaying for you the very first episode of The Ministry Connection from September of 2013.  In it we’ll be discussing the question, “What most excites you & what most concerns you about the future for Independent Baptist Churches?”  I’ve got several folks that called in and emailed their answers to that question. I knew that I would get varied answers from a diverse group of people.  And that’s good!  Everyone has had their own set of circumstances that would lead them to giving an answer to that question.

I also thought about the fact that my desire for this podcast is that it does not become a gripe session about the IFB.  I want to be thankful for our movement and it’s godly heritage, yet address the blemishes that might also exist today.  And I also thought it was important to not only highlight people’s concerns, but also what they are excited about when they look around at what’s happening in Independent Baptist ministry today.

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What's in this episode:
- Voicemails that answer the question from all of the following:

Mike Kleitz
Twitter: @CRBC_Pastor


Points from his voicemail:

Excited about:

-        Seeing growth, see souls saved

-        Emphasis on discipleship

-        Movement away from the “Camp” mentality

Concerned about:

-       A focus solely on the platform ministry and not enough on soulwinning.


Andrew Green
Andrew Green said:

“The challenge of reaching the Millennial generation for Christ! 20% are unaffiliated with any religion at all!”

Points from this:

Book promo:  The Millennials: Connecting to America's Largest Generation by Thom and Jess Rainer

Any time you go and purchase any of the resources mention in the show, a small percentage of your purchase does go to help support this podcast.

I haven’t read the book, but I have read other works by the authors.

I have also listened to a podcast episode from Thom Rainer’s podcast “Rainer on Leadership”  I’ll put a link to the episode that he did on the millennials in the show notes as well.


Greg Long

Points from the voicemail:

Excited about:

-        Seems to be a younger guard embracing change and reevaluating things

-        Focus on logically, theologically and biblically based ideas.

Concerned about:

-        The concern about the “why” to stay.

-        Old guard – new guard terminology


Jeremy Wallace
Twitter: @Jeremy_Wallace


Points from the voicemail:

Excited about:

-        Excited about more of a focus on discipleship

Concerned about:

-        Survival?

-        Not truly focused on biblical principles, the gospel

-        Isolation instead of Independence

-        Lack of intentionality, reacting to what others or culture are doing


David Summerlin
I also received an email from David Summerlin:

Twitter: @DavidSummerlin

David said: “The most concerning to me is the potential persecution the church may face in the future. The liberal media, political correctness and the left-wing agenda are doing all they can to stifle the church.

The most exciting thing is that God is still on the throne no matter what the future holds and as long as He still has us here, there is work to be done.”


James Johnson
Twitter: @TempleMuncie


Points from the voicemail:

Excited about:

-        Salty stands

-        Mark Ward – fight for restricting the sale of alcohol

Twitter: @pastormarkward

Website: www.fbctipton