The Ministry Connection Podcast | An Independent Baptist Ministry Podcast

The Ministry Connection Podcast | An Independent Baptist Ministry Podcast

#051 – Church Social Media Strategy with Josh Burns from

May 26, 2015

[Tweet "Listen to @JBurno discuss church social media strategy on this week's Ministry Connection."]

Unfortunately, we tend to treat our church social media strategy as an afterthought, if we think of it at all.  Social Media is where people are and where we can communicate with them on a daily basis. Josh Burns is one of the foremost influencers helping churches effectively use social media.  He spends some time with us this week helping us figure out our strategy for communicating better with our members and community through social media.

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About our guests:

Josh Burns
Josh Burns is the Marketing Manager at Think Digital & Social Church Academy. He has several years of experience in church communications and social media. He also has a passion to see these new mediums implemented within the church in order to better communicate the gospel. Over at you will find his thoughts on all things involving social media and communications in church.
What's in this episode:

We talk about what you should consider before you even begin venturing into church social media.
We talk about which social networks you should start with.
Should you utilize different social networks to communicate and reach different demographics?
Should the individual that publishing your social media content work from a posting schedule?
A lot of content that is created for Sunday, through sermons for example, can easily be repurposed into social media content.

Links & Resources mention during the episode:
Josh Burns' Blog
Follow Josh Burns on Twitter
Foundations Online Conference - July 22nd, 2015 - The Foundations conference exists to equip your church to effectively communicate the greatest story ever told.

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