Mining The Miracles

Mining The Miracles

Latest Episodes

Move To The White Side (02/18/16)
February 18, 2016

Today I finish talking about vision boards and the Yin Yang. I give you dramatic proof about the negative programming that is currently putting up a brick wall that is stopping you from achieving success. I explain how that negative programming is ruin...

Feeling Abandoned Over Money (02/17/16)
February 17, 2016

Listen today and figure out why your savings account sucks big time. I know you will be surprised because most people, with very little  or no savings, have no idea why they can never put enough money away for the future.

The Yin Yang War Within Us (02/16/16)
February 16, 2016

WOW! Are you going to like today's podcast or what? I certainly out did myself on this one!!!! Today is a continuation of yesterday's podcast on Vision Boards and the Yin Yang. I feel I have done an excellent job of visually presenting the Law of Attra...

Living on the Dark Side (02/15/16)
February 15, 2016

If you have slammed into a BRICK WALL that is stopping you from succeeding in life or business it could mean that you are living on the DARK SIDE. By this I don't mean that Darth Vader has a death grip on you but instead that you are more like Luke Jay...

The Golden Rule Revisited (02/12/16)
February 12, 2016

Welcome everybody. Today I am talking about the GOLDEN RULE. I think it was last August that I first posted this podcast but I am re-posting it today because a friend of mine just moved to another province and has taken his mind set with him.

Does Your Report Card Say Fail (0211/16)
February 11, 2016

I first podcasted this particular episode way back when but it is one of my favourites. There is so much good stuff in here. It contains everything but the kitchen sink for explaining why so many of us die with an "F" on our final REPORT CARD ( which i...

I Can’t Afford That. (02/08/16)
February 08, 2016

Good day. Today I am replaying a podcast I did last May. It is under the same title as then but it is a good one with lots of nuggets of gold. I am sorry I have not been putting up brand new content but I have a major presentation to make tomorrow for ...

Let’s Talk About Money (02/05/16)
February 05, 2016

Today is  a repeat podcast from last May. However it is timely for me because we are in the process of looking at  a joint venture on another duplex and so my grandson and I are discussing money issues all the time.

Adversity and Risk Repeated (02/04/16)
February 04, 2016

Today I posted a former podcast done some time ago. It is one of my favorites  because it talks about how I almost failed my ski instructor exam and then how I  went on to become a very successful ski instructor.

The Law of Attraction Explained (02/03/16)
February 03, 2016

Today I try to explain how the Law of Attraction works for those who don't understand the mechanics of it. The Law is not about positive thinking only. It goes much deeper. I try to explain it in terms of the Yin Yang and positive/negative energy from ...