Minds On B2B

Minds On B2B

Episode 18: How To Achieve User-Centered Product Design and Marketing With Charlotte O'Neal

July 20, 2019

In this episode, Charlotte and Dan share their vast experience in product design, innovation and explain the why behind user-center design and marketing.  Charlotte guides us, and describes the importance of user stories and why involving customers in your process consistently delivers better results. With a diverse background and years of experience, Charlotte will share with us, the importance of engaging and getting your customer involved. After listening to this episode, you'll understand when a customer is involved, they are much more invested in the outcome and much more likely to buy your product or solutions, remain a customer and become loyal to your brand.  
Driving growth through a focus on the voice of the customer and agile, user-centered product design, marketing, and sales tools.
I’ve learned how to drive growth. I know a model that works, no matter the industry. Even in an economic slow down. I was taught early on to think from the customer perspective. I’ve been applying this philosophy throughout my career to drive results in a number of industries. I’ve leveraged, created, mastered, and shared a number of tools for growth. Learn more about them at www.GrowByVOC.com.

• Strong advocate for leading from the customer perspective.
• Data-driven, continual improvement mindset, always focused on improving the customer experience.
• Research and user-centered product design, marketing strategies and sales tools.
• Strategic writer and visual director with the ability to simplify complexities to create engaging stories.
• Go-to-market strategist and execution lead, with expertise in all launch phases. 
Connect on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlotteoneal/
Visit the website: https://www.growbyvoc.com/