Mind Of The Geek Radio Network

Mind Of The Geek Radio Network

The Muppet Movie and the Fourth Wall with CB Wilkins

September 08, 2014

Jim Henson first experienced national success helping create several of Sesame Street’s cast of colorful characters. But he and his team – including Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Richard Hunt and Dave Goelz – never wanted to be pigeonholed into only performing for children. A more sophisticated The Muppet Show was pitched to several U.S. networks, but eventually found its champion in British television producer Lord Lew Grade. Filmed in the United Kingdom and syndicated globally, The Muppet Show was a smash, eventually resulting in 1979’s The Muppet Movie.

With a script by The Muppet Show writers Jack Burns and Jerry Juhl, The Muppet Movie relishes in clever wordplay and is unapologetically hokey. And, while some of the big name cameos might not be as relevant now, the pacing and shooting lets the audience know each one is important, and gives them their moment to shine. Most of its quick wit and comedy lets the audience in on the joke, and almost requires their active involvement. Like figuring out how to get a felt frog to believably ride a bicycle, The Muppet Movie treats the theatrical “fourth wall†as one more challenge to overcome.

Why did they feel the need to take this approach? Why not make The Muppet Movie – or The Muppet Show, for that matter – “simple†children’s entertainment? Why does The Rainbow Connection always make me cry? This week, we welcome Silver Eyes author, Geek’s Night of Comedy performer, and What’s a Podcast? with Brendan Kennedy and CB Wilkins co-host CB Wilkins to discuss The Muppet Movie and the Fourth Wall!

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