The Mind Mapping Show

The Mind Mapping Show

Episode 005 – How Busy Working Moms Can Benefit From Mind Mapping Too

June 23, 2013

I am not a parent myself so apart from being on the receiving end of parenthood, I don't really have any idea what it is like to carry that responsibility and commitment. I know that it takes me enough of my time to develop and maintain a successful career so I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to be able to do that AND run a family as well.


And so I am always incredibly impressed with people who take on the parenting responsibility and juggle their commitments to also have a successful career and be able to do both equally as well. Of course for many these days it is not a choice but a necessity but even so when someone pulls it off and does so enthusiastically and with a big beaming smile on their face I think it is worth finding out how they do it.

I think Moms are the hardest working group of people on the planet second only to Working Moms and today's guest is one of the latter. A project manager by day and Mom to 3 young kids every second of what is left at the end of the working day, Chiamaka Okafor is an inspiration. Interestingly she (partially) attributes her ability to be able to pull this off to her use of Mind Mapping and so we manages to track her down to find out exactly how she uses it.

This is a great interview that will cover:

How To Use Mind Mapping To Manage Complex Technical Projects
How To Write Your BlockBuster Novel Even If You Have A Busy Job And A Hectic Family Life
What To Do If Your Colleagues Don't Get Mind Mapping But You Do
How Understanding How Mind Mapping Works Helps You Get More Out Of Your Mind
What To Do If You Want To Introduce Your Kids To Mind Mapping (Especially If They Are Under 6 Years Old)

Episode Show Notes
02:43 Chiamaka shares her background (professional and personal)

06:49 The challenge of juggling a young family and a professional career

07:15 is her website

07:54 Why she wants to write a novel (and how she manages to fit it in to her busy schedule)

08:48 How Chiamaka was introduced to Mind Mapping (it was her bosses "secret to success")

09:29 Why a Mind Map is the first thing she uses when she has an idea

09:51 Her reaction when she first saw a Mind Map

10:25 Why she thinks it works so well

11:41 Why it mesmerised her

12:05 The Mind Mapping software that Chiamaka uses (it's free!)

12:47 The first thing she used it for was her novel - here's how it helped her get started on her dream

14:40 How Mind Mapping can help you write 50,000 words in a month

15:32 How you can use Mind Mapping for Brain Storming

16:15 Chiamaka expands on how a Mind Map helps her write her novel

17:30 She explains how to use it for anything - whether you are left brain or right brain dominant

18:52 How a Mind Map can be used to plan going out for a beer with your friends!

20:30 Chiamaka explains how she uses MInd Mapping for a technical challenge at work

22:20 On using Mind Mapping for collaboration (and meetings in particular)

23:26 Her colleagues' reaction to them

24:26 How Chiamaka has benefitted from using the technique in her professional life (it is her "Work Buddy")

26:04 If it has been around for 30 years, why has she only just discovered Mind Mapping?

26:49 How she intends to introduce it to her kids

28:20 Her recommendation to technically minded people considering using it

We found Chiamaka on her blog where she wrote a great article about Mind Maps and we do recommend you check out that post and indeed her whole site especially if you are a busy Mom who would like some ideas on how to juggle the many demands on your time.