Mindful15: Mindfulness | Meditation | Habit Building

Mindful15: Mindfulness | Meditation | Habit Building

Stress buster! The calming infinity breath

April 01, 2020



If you’re feeling a little stressed or if you just need a break, a little infinity breath meditation might be just what you need.
The infinity breath is super simple. It involves tracing the infinity symbol as you breathe. You know, the symbol that looks like a figure eight turned on its side. In fact, you can use an upright figure eight, if you prefer.
As you inhale, you’ll trace half of the figure. As you exhale, you’ll complete the figure by tracing its second half. It doesn’t matter where you begin the trace. And, the trace doesn’t end. It just continues on into the next breath and the next. Your breaths join to become one long, continuous, smooth cycle.
You can trace in a variety of different ways. You could close your eyes and picture the infinity symbol - in whatever form you like - and trace it with your imagination. You could imagine a symbol made of ribbon, or water, or light, or anything else you fancy. Alternately, you could imagine yourself waving a magic wand, or a tree branch, or something else.
You could also use your finger, or even your entire hand, to trace the symbol in the air in front of you. Do this with eyes open or closed.
Or, you can trace the symbol with your finger on a table top, again eyes open or closed. 
Or, you can draw the symbol on a piece of paper and, eyes open, trace the drawing with your finger or a pen. This is a great exercise for children, too. And, if you’re a crafter, you can create an infinity symbol on fabric using stitching, fabric paint, beading, etc.
There’s an option for everyone.
The infinity breath helps you let go of distractions because it gives you something physical (or imaginary) to focus on. The smooth, repetitive motion of tracing is usually soothing, too. If you do find yourself becoming distracted by thoughts or feelings, just take a relaxing breath and come back to focusing on the physical sensations of tracing the infinity symbol.
There’s no special way to breathe during this exercise. Over time, you’ll likely find your breath becoming softer and more regular, but you can just let this happen on its own. There’s no need to force the breath to behave in any particular way.
You can use this technique through an entire meditation session or just part of it. You can also use it to take a calming breath or two whenever you need it. Like most mindfulness techniques, the more you use it, the more effective it becomes.
Let's give it a try 
For a 12-minute guided infinity breath meditation, forward the podcast or video above to 2:45. 
Up Next Week
I hope you enjoyed this meditation. Next week’s podcast topic is the discipline of letting go. For a reminder, sign up for our newsletter at mindful15.com/subscribe. When you sign up I’ll send you a copy of Your Meditation Action Plan, our step-by-step guide to building a healthy meditation habit that lasts a lifetime.
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