Millennial Sales

Millennial Sales

Tuesday Tip: Handwritten Note (Pt. 2)

April 14, 2020

Last week’s tip was to send people handwritten notes.  Coincidentally, I came across this podcast that shows this strategy in motion. 

Buzz Williams, Head Coach of Texas A&M’s basketball program, is a handwritten note maniac.  He’s used it to build up professional relationships and wouldn’t be where he is without them.  

On Jon Gordon’s podcast, Williams said he wrote a handwritten note to everyone he learned something from during the come-up.  It was a way to stand out. 

Nowadays, even as he is busy running a successful D1 basketball program, Williams still manages to write 120 handwritten notes per month.  

Gordon even acknowledged that Williams has written him a note for the past 90 consecutive months.  That’s 7.5 years worth of letters. For some context, I wasn’t even legally allowed to drink when Williams began writing Gordon letters.  

Let’s start with a manageable first step.  If you want to stand out, go find 3 people that you admire, work for or want to work for and write them a note.  Say that you appreciate what they do.  Make it personalized and thoughtful. 

Each month, try to increase the number slowly but surely. 

Over the years, this will be a game-changer to your career.

This post is from our new series, Daily Momentum.  Each morning, we send a short, inspirational post via email, blog and podcast.  You can get it directly to your email here.  You can subscribe on iTunes here.