Mile Markers - Health for Truck Drivers

Mile Markers - Health for Truck Drivers

Breaking Bad Habits

February 06, 2013

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In last week’s episode of Mile Markers, Mike and Derek introduced The Healthy Trucker and discussed New Year’s Resolutions, industry statistics, and truck driver health. Mike and Derek continue discussing truck driver health issues in this week’s Mile Markers podcast, focusing on bad habits and how truck drivers can break them.

Image credit: meddygarnet, Flickr

Some common bad habits include smoking, knuckle cracking, and nail biting. An important thing to note is that a habit doesn’t necessarily have to be dangerous or have serious health risks to want to kick it. As Mike says, maybe your habit is something mild like fidgeting, and you want to kick it because it drives everyone around you up a wall.

Mike and Derek discuss several different ways that truck drivers can break their bad habits and talk to special in-studio guest Steve. Steve, a 10-year veteran of the truck driver recruiter biz, has made the goal to break his smoking habit. He plans to quit cold turkey.

Learn how to kick your bad habits and listen to what Steve had to say about his plans and reasoning behind giving up his smoking habit in this week’s Mile Markers podcast.

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