Law is War with Mike Arnold

Law is War with Mike Arnold

Ep. 4: How Can You Defend Him? The Facebook Sexual Assault Apology (Joel Magid)

September 28, 2016

There is no justice system. There is only a dispute resolution system. “Justice” is for idealists and philosophers. Law is war and the attorneys and litigants are the combatants. This episode is on defending "high profile" cases in the court of public opinion. How and when should an attorney allow a client to speak to media? The case of Joel Magid is an interesting one. In September 2016 he took to Facebook to publicly apologize for purportedly sexually assaulting a woman who he didn't remember sexually assaulting. The post went internationally viral and he retained Arnold Law to help him out. Here's a breakdown of the interesting social and legal issues involving this unique case. Hear about the subsequent KGW-Portland interview of Joel that went viral for a different reason: the anchor's insensitive questions post-interview regarding another accuser.