EMC2 AIM Program of Energetic Balancing

EMC2 AIM Program of Energetic Balancing

EPISODE503 - EMC2 AIM Program of Energetic Balancing

October 15, 2015

All discussions of energetic imbalances reference certain frequencies an imbalance may be similar to. A frequency is NOT the actual disease; Newly revealed Hereditary imbalances added to the AIM database.; On Tuesday, Stephen told Facilitators that he still could not find any signs of any remaining Hereditary imbalances in himself, but discussed how he had been feeling dramatic "residuals" of cleared frequencies. Turns out, he was tricked again, and on Wednesday, was able to find not just one previously unknown imbalance, but two. He said to forget everything he said about "residuals"; He will do all he can to learn how these frequencies masked themselves so well, as this will help all AIM participants, just as all of his discoveries do; Wherever your hereditary weaknesses are is where both Hereditary and acquired frequencies will settle.