Midwest Nerds

Midwest Nerds

MWN #136 - 2 Legit 2 Quit

August 04, 2014


Midwest Nerds #136

This week on the Midwest Nerds Podcast:

Summer movies present and future - Joel and Jason discuss Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy - where it succeeds, where it falls short, and why it’s very existence is encouraging… if only to make sure that NOT every superhero movie tries to be Nolan’s “Dark Knight†trilogy…

Plus - the summer games slump is upon us, but the Destiny beta recently reminded gamers that hope is on the Horizon. And, if you can’t wait until september to play Bungie’s latest MMO/ kind of not MMO - there’s always the Shooter/ MMORPG Hybrid FireFall - which just finally landed on Steam Free for all to play.