Midwest Misfits

Midwest Misfits

Can You Make Local Politics Sexy?

January 12, 2021

Hi Misfits…ok so it would be ridiculous for us not to mention the events of the past week.  The insurrection at the White house was terrifying and disturbing, to say the least…I turned on CNN to watch the vote count and because I was curious to hear from the republicans who were planning to object and was shocked to watch the Capital under siege in real-time.  If you are like us, we assume that you have all been glued to all the political content dissecting every moment of January 6th. How could you not?  And because it is all-consuming we have decided to provide you with a short reprieve.  Today we have an episode that was recorded weeks before the attack at the capital and yet you will hear us talk about similar themes and concerns that would eventually reach a fever pitch on the day of what was supposed to be a simple, ceremonious vote count.

So, in honor of mental well-being, here is an interesting and fun interview with Brian Hastert.  Brian is a Nebraska native, living in L.A. who is on a mission to Make Local Representation Sexy. 

Brian believes that justice and equity are executed at the local level or they are not executed at all and features interviews with the elected officials working to improve life in their communities in red and blue states alike. It's quest to make activism accessible and local representation sexy. In May of 2020 he hosted a record-breaking online community filibuster, #HoldTheFloor, to expose systemic barriers to true representation and raise money for voter registration. He is also an actor, writer, and educator, co-founder of internationally acclaimed theater company The TEAM and founding director of Pace University's BFA in acting for Film and Television. He got his MFA from the Yale School of Drama.

Local Selection Podcast

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